improved decisions and safety

Firefighting responders today are facing increasingly complex and difficult incidents while participating their dynamic and multi-faceted emergency situations.
Hence the tremendous need for a computer-aided command center that processes real-time data in action. This allows for streamlined and improved incident response and optimal management of the situation on the scene.

Command CenterTM
Cloud based, SaaS solution designed to improve commander decision making, rescuer’s safety, performance speed and survivability in all emergency and life critical situations, including:
• global information
• situational awareness
• information-rich decision making
• data-driven science-based tactics
• comprehensive data collection, analysis and communication
• human controlled, collaborative and automated operations with objects
• interconnected equipment and building monitoring, data and control systems
• and more…

Cloud architecture
AWS cloud based architecture based on servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and intelligence provided over the Internet. It offers faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale, including:
• enterprise class services architecture
• advanced AI engines
• dynamic processing power
• unlimited data storage
• worldwide availability
• security, performance, scalability, reliability,
• integration, optimized costs, backup and recovery
• and more…